What is Included in a Car Accident Settlement?

November 28, 2022

If you’ve been injured in a car crash, you may be wondering what to expect and what will be included in your settlement. After you hire an attorney, he or she will first conduct an investigation, and then begin the process to request all of your medical records, bills, wage loss documentation, the accident report, […]

Dangers of Texting and Driving 

November 17, 2022

For many years state legislatures have enacted “hands-free” laws to prohibit talking directly on a cell phone while driving. In more recent times, texting has proven to be a much bigger danger. Even hands-free devices or talk-to-text programs don’t help much because drivers are mainly focused on sending messages while behind the wheel. However, the […]

How Do I Prove I am Not at Fault if I’ve Had a Rear Crash?

September 20, 2022

In most rear-end car accidents, the trailing driver will automatically be assigned fault and will be responsible for the damages to the lead vehicle. However, there are situations where this is not the case. If you have been involved in a rear-end collision where you were the trailing driver and it wasn’t your fault, you […]

When is it Too Late to Hire a Lawyer for a Car Accident in Ohio?

May 10, 2022

Nobody ever expects to be involved in a serious car accident, but they happen every day. If it happens to you, you may think you can settle things yourself with the insurance company. However, things can get overwhelming quickly. In many cases, victims of car accidents are dealing with questions of who is responsible, recovering […]

Posting on Social Media After an Accident

April 21, 2022

Social media can be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family and even to network professionally. Today there are a wide variety of social media outlets available – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are just a few of the options. While social media can be a useful tool, it is important […]

How is Fault Determined in a Car Accident?

April 12, 2022

Being involved in a car accident can be frightening and stressful. No matter how clear-headed you intend to be in situations like this, sorting through the developing scene of an accident you did not see coming can be very overwhelming. Seeking medical attention is an obvious first step, and in the case of serious injuries, […]

Who Is at Fault in a Bike and Car Accident?

February 23, 2022

Who Is at Fault in a Bike and Car Accident? Determining who is at fault in a car crash or bicycle accident is the first step to receiving compensation for your injuries. However, it can be challenging to determine who is at fault in a bike and car accident. In Ohio, traffic rules apply to […]

What Happens If You Admit Fault In a Car Accident?

January 4, 2022

With millions of car accidents nationwide each year, they’re more common than you might think. When you find yourself in a collision, determining fault can be an intricate process. Insurance companies like to obtain recorded statements that are directed toward exonerating their own insured and placing blame on you. So before agreeing to give a […]

When Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

October 11, 2021

You’ve spent money on preventive maintenance to keep your car in perfect condition. You make timely insurance payments. You abide by the traffic rules at all times. In a perfect world, doing these things should keep you safe physically and monetarily from high repair costs. Yet, the world is not perfect. It only takes one […]

5 Common Car Accident Injuries

June 30, 2021

According to statistics, there are six million car accidents in the US every year, and around 20 million individuals are injured or disabled due to car accidents. Undeniably, being involved in a car accident can significantly change your life, especially if you’re injured. Car accidents can cause severe injuries to almost any part of the […]