How Much Will a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?
If you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident, you know the overwhelming stress of mounting bills you can’t afford to pay. Your injuries have kept you from working—maybe even cost you your job—leaving you with little to no income. On top of that, your car is in need of costly repairs, or might even be totaled, making it hard to get to medical appointments or return to work when you’re able.
When the accident wasn’t your fault, none of this seems fair. You know the insurance company owes you a settlement, but they’re dragging their feet, offering far less than you deserve, or nitpicking every expense you claim. You need a car accident lawyer to fight for a fair settlement—but hiring a lawyer costs money too, and that can feel like one more obstacle. So, how much does a car accident lawyer actually cost, and how can you afford to hire one?
How Will You Pay Your Attorney?
If you are facing post-accident stress, this is likely the first question you will be concerned with. Will you need to face another bill that you can’t cover? In most cases, paying your attorney will not be a concern because often, car accident lawyers work on contingency. This means that you don’t pay your attorney up front, they will be paid a percentage of your final settlement. When you hire an attorney, they will take over the negotiations on your behalf and help you through the legal process. In most cases, your settlement will be paid directly to your attorney, and they will take their cut and pay you the balance that is left. Working with an attorney often results in a higher settlement amount, so even after paying your attorney fees, you will still have enough to cover all of your current and future damages.
Is Hiring an Attorney Worth It?
After an accident, every dollar counts. Medical bills pile up fast, lost wages add to the stress, and the uncertainty of what’s next can feel overwhelming. When you receive a settlement offer from the insurance company, it might be tempting to accept it right away—after all, getting money quickly seems like the best way to ease the financial strain. But what if that offer is far lower than what you actually deserve? Insurance companies are in the business of minimizing payouts, and without legal representation, you may not realize just how much your claim is really worth.
It’s common to worry that your attorney fees will take too much of your settlement and you won’t have enough to cover your bills, lost wages, and financial struggles moving forward. If you weren’t at fault, it can be tempting to think that you can handle the negotiations on your own and keep the full amount. However, in most cases, your attorney, using their experience and know-how, will be able to negotiate a substantially higher settlement than you could have negotiated on your own, resulting in a higher payout even after paying your attorney their percentage.
Are There Other Options?
In personal injury law where you can expect to get a settlement, contingency fees are the most common way to pay your attorney and are considered the fairest. However, in certain cases, you may have the option of a flat fee or an hourly fee. For a flat fee, you will pay an agreed upon amount no matter how your settlement goes – even if the case does not resolve in your favor. If you hire an attorney based on an hourly fee arrangement, your attorney will require an up front retainer, and then bill you for any additional time the retainer doesn’t cover. It’s important to note that these alternatives (to contingent fee arrangements) are not common and, although they may seem like they will result in a lesser fee, there is a big risk they will not work in your favor. Contingency arrangements are the norm for a reason.
Start with a Free Consultation
Most car accident attorneys will offer a free consultation where they will look at your case, and review the initial offer from the insurance company if one has been made. They will assess the damages you have endured, and are likely to endure in the future. They will use this information to determine whether they can provide value to the process, or if you are better trying to resolve the claim on your own. During the consultation, your attorney will also make you aware of what other potential costs you may be responsible for, such as experts like an accident reconstructionist or medical testimony, court filing fees, deposition expenses, investigators, and any other costs. The arrangement for paying these costs should be laid out clearly. While most car accident attorneys will advance these costs, that can vary from case to case.
If you have been seriously injured in a car accident that was not your fault, do not let the cost of an attorney prevent you from getting the help you need to get the settlement you deserve. Accident victims who use attorneys have far better outcomes than those who attempt to negotiate on their own.
We know what you’re up against, and we fight hard for car accident victims because you shouldn’t be financially burdened by a car accident that wasn’t your fault. We can help. Contact Arthur Law Firm right away for a free consultation. We can help you get what you need to move on.