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Why You Should Appeal Your Denied Social Security Disability Benefits

If you are reading this, chances are you or someone you love may be facing a challenging time in life. Becoming disabled is devastating, and preparing your application for Social Security Disability benefits can be overwhelming. We understand how difficult this process can be and the emotional toll it’s taking on you and your family when you cannot work.

We recommend filing your initial application for benefits on your own. However, if you are facing a social security appeal, we recommend hiring an attorney for a better chance of winning your appeal. Our experienced disability attorneys can help guide you through the disability appeals process.  If you are denied Social Security disability benefits, filing an appeal is an option. In fact, we encourage you to file an appeal, and an experienced SSI/SSDI attorney can be essential in your appeals process.

Many people who apply for disability benefits are denied on their first attempt and second attempts, but this does not mean that you won’t get the benefits.  Persistence and providing additional evidence are key when you are denied social security disability benefits. Filing a Social Security appeal gives you a chance of having your case approved.

Whenever possible, it’s better to file an appeal rather than start a new application. If you have been denied, and appeal, there is still a chance to get some of the back benefits you were denied. But, if you reapply, then you may lose some of those back benefits, and you start back at the end of the social security line.

Why Are Social Security Claims Denied?

When you’re applying for SSDI benefits, there are several common reasons why your claim might get rejected. A denied SSI/SSDI claim doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not eligible for benefits. In fact, many legitimate claims are denied by the Social Security Administration (“SSA”) because more information is needed.

Here are some common reasons why claims are often rejected:

Qualified Medical Conditions

Social Security provides a list of medical conditions that are considered disabling, although your disability does not have to appear on this list for you to be approved for benefits. You could also have a qualified medical condition and be denied benefits-not because of your condition, but because you didn’t provide enough proper evidence. The list of qualifying medical conditions includes 14 different categories, such as Musculoskeletal Disorders, Mental Disorders, and Cardiovascular Disorders. If your medical condition is recognized as disabling by the Social Security Administration, you may meet the medical criteria for disability. However, you also need to meet certain other criteria, such as not being gainfully employed and having enough work credits (SSDI) or meeting the non-economic rules to qualify for SSI (maximum income in household and assets/resources limitations).

If you’re not sure whether your medical condition qualifies you for disability benefits, it’s important to speak with an attorney who can evaluate your situation and help you understand how your medical condition is impacting your ability to work. An attorney can help you gather and present evidence to support your case, including medical records, witness statements, and expert opinions.

How an SSI/SSDI Attorney Can Help You Get Approved for Disability Benefits

While it can be overwhelming to apply for social security disability benefits, it’s important not to give up. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can increase your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve by making sure the evidence that supports your disability benefits is provided to SSA.

Know what evidence to submit is crucial to your claim.  At our law firm, we have helped many individuals successfully appeal their denied disability claims, and we are committed to fighting for the rights of our clients.

If you or a loved one have been denied benefits and are considering filing a social security appeal, we encourage you to speak with an attorney about your situation before you proceed.

While it can be a challenging process, it’s important not to give up. With our help, you can navigate the appeals process and increase your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve. Our law firm is here to help, and we are committed to fighting for your rights. If you’d like to discuss your SSI or SSDI rejection and plan to move forward with filing an appeal, contact Arthur Law Firm (419) 782-9881 right away for a free consultation to discuss your options. We can help you get the benefits you need and deserve to win your social security case.

Categories: Social Security & DisabilityLaw Blog