Two Drivers Arguing After Traffic Accident looking at damage
With millions of car accidents nationwide each year, they’re more common than you might think. When you find yourself in a collision, determining fault can be an intricate process. Insurance companies like to obtain recorded statements that are directed toward exonerating their own insured and placing blame on you. So before agreeing to give a recorded statement, you should consult with an attorney, especially if you sustained injuries.
If you ever find yourself in this situation — no matter how small the matter may seem — it’s best to call on an experienced Northwest Ohio auto accident attorney. An experienced lawyer can help you manage potential losses, insurance claims, and paperwork involved in such accidents.
Read on for more information about why you should hire a car accident lawyer instead of saying something wrong, and the options you have if you have already done so.
In a car crash, the word fault is a complex legal term that you shouldn’t use loosely. The legal process may rely on police findings or other accident reconstructionist to determine who’s at fault in a car crash.
Be cautious of using these words when in front of police officers, insurance company representatives, and witnesses:
Below are reasons why you should never decide for yourself if you were at fault in an accident.
If you admit fault without waiting for official reports, your insurance company will have to shoulder the damages to your property loss as well as that of the other party involved. Before making statements, remember that the other party’s insurance company will want you to admit fault.
The other party might pressure you into assigning blame during the accident, but you have no legal obligation to do so. When in a crash, it’s best to stick to the facts and avoid unnecessarily incriminating yourself. If you wish, you can let your auto accident attorney speak on your behalf.
No matter how you feel during an accident, remember that other circumstances could have led to the crash. You don’t have all the facts, making official reports necessary to determine the party at fault. For example, the driver of the car you collided with could have been distracted by his/her cellphone or some other thing during the accident.
If you have already admitted fault, a car accident lawyer may still be able to help you deal with this admission. Below are ways an experienced lawyer can help you.
At Arthur Law Firm Co., LPA we’ve been representing clients in auto accidents for over 50 years. Additionally, if we agree to take on your injury claim, we will not charge you any attorney fees until we settle or win your case.
Contact us now at 419-782-9881 or to get an experienced car accident attorney on your side.