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Negotiating with Uncooperative Insurance Companies After a Semi-Truck Accident

While any car accident can be stressful, an accident with a semi-truck can pose much bigger challenges. Most semi-truck accidents are severe with long-term consequences. You are likely facing significant injuries and a long recovery as well as serious property damage. As medical bills, lost wages, and other financial stress begin to pile up during your recovery, fighting with the insurance company representing the driver of the semi-truck and the company behind them can be overwhelming. When you are facing a fleet of lawyers looking out for the interests of the trucking company, getting a fair settlement that will allow you to move forward can feel not only difficult, but impossible. If you’ve been injured in an accident with a semi-truck, we can help you.

Common Tactics Used by Fleet Insurance Adjusters

When you are not at fault for the accident, you may think you don’t need an attorney. The accident may seem cut and dry, so you are expecting the insurance company to respond appropriately. Unfortunately, this is almost never the reality. Insurance companies, particularly those representing fleets of commercial trucks, are businesses that are focused on turning a profit, not on paying out claims. The goal of the company is to get you to accept the lowest possible settlement quickly. Once you agree to an offer and accept a settlement, you cannot go back for additional damages after the fact, even if you later find that the settlement is too low. Insurance companies know that you will be struggling after an accident, so they may use various tactics to try to influence your decisions.

Delaying tactics are very common. Insurance companies know that you need a settlement to move forward as you lose wages in the face of a long recovery. Often, they will try to manipulate you by requesting excessive documentation or delaying their responses to draw out the process. Their hope is that when they finally make an offer, even if it is too low, you will be so desperate for any help that you will accept it to avoid risking any further delays.

Many insurance companies may also try to undervalue your claim. They may offer to pick up the medical bill for initial treatment only, or only offer a fraction of what your vehicle was worth. All the while ignoring the additional claims you are entitled to including lost wages, loss of future earning potential, psychological damage, pain and suffering, or long-term rehabilitation. If those tactics don’t work, the insurance company may try to scare you into accepting an offer by implying that you are somehow at fault for the accident or that you are purposely extending your recovery process. Even with a documented police report, their attorneys may try to shift some of the blame or encourage you to accept partial fault. They can take anything you say, even conversationally, and twist it against you. When you are fighting the insurance company on your own while trying to physically recover, it can be very easy to fall for these tactics.

Protecting Yourself After a Semi-Truck Accident

Because the insurance company will attempt to coerce you into a lower settlement by using different tactics, you need to focus on protecting yourself. Your first priority is to follow through with all prescribed medical treatment. Make sure you follow all recommended care and follow up with your medical team regularly. The next step is to document everything. Make sure you have statements from your medical team, the hospital and any other care centers, statements from your employer about missed work, a full report on property damage, statements from witnesses, and the full accident report. If you experience any setbacks during your recovery, make sure to document those as well. Do your research and make sure you have a thorough understanding of the damages you can claim from the accident, and don’t let the insurance company tell you otherwise. Be very careful when speaking about the accident, whether you are talking to the insurance company or posting on social media.

When to Consider Legal Action

When you are recovering from an accident, protecting yourself from the insurance company can be overwhelming. This is why you need to have someone on your side to give you the guidance you need, and to negotiate on your behalf. Talk to an experienced truck accident attorney before talking to anyone else about your case, especially the insurance company. As soon as you are able, contact an experienced attorney for guidance. A personal injury lawyer is there to fight for you.

If you have been involved in a semi-truck accident, your first priority is getting the medical treatment you need to recover, but the next step should be to contact an experienced attorney who knows how to work with a commercial vehicle insurance company.

The truck driver and trucking company will have a team of lawyers, adjusters and crash reconstructionists fighting for them, so you need an experienced team on your side as well. When you are in a truck accident that was not your fault, you need an attorney who is ready to fight for you to get the compensation you deserve to move forward. The attorneys at Arthur Law Firm have the right team to get you through this process. We understand the tactics the insurance companies might use against you, we understand liability and damages, and we will fight for your rights.

Don’t let the insurance company bully you into accepting a low settlement offer. Arthur Law Firm offers free consultations, and our Fair and Square Fee Guarantee ensures that you will never pay more in legal fees than you receive for your settlement. We have a reputation for protecting the victims of semi-truck accidents and are ready to fight for you. If you’ve been injured in a truck accident that wasn’t your fault, contact Arthur Law Firm (419) 782-9881 right away for a free consultation. We can help you get the compensation you deserve so you can move forward.

Categories: Semi-Truck AccidentCar AccidentPersonal InjuryLaw Blog